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Subject: This is not goodbye. 


Thank you for the good times in Eastern PA. Thank you for your prayers and continued partnership through difficult times. 

This chapter has closed. We are now a part of a regional network, the Northeastern Jurisdiction of the Wesleyan Covenant Association, that is still committed to meeting our local needs. Locally, the NE WCA will contend for fair, just, and amicable pathways out of The United Methodist Church for all! Also, the Global WCA will continue to work for an exit path for all churches seeking to disaffiliate.

Although we are dissolving the chapter, this is not goodbye. Through the NE WCA, we will act as advocates and allies on behalf of churches and annual conferences seeking pathways out of The United Methodist Church. We will still see you in the EPA community at local events. Also, Second Saturday Zoom gatherings will continue. Please be on the lookout for occasional and local announcements from the EPA Prayer & Encouragement Network (formerly the EPA WCA account). 

We hope you continue to support the WCA and follow the NEJ WCA Facebook page at You can also follow our NEJ GMC friends at

Thank you again, God bless you, and be encouraged.