Join & Support The Local EPA-WCA

Join In A New Global Movement In Methodism

Become a part of the local connection of Spirit-filled, orthodox churches, clergy, and laity who hold to Wesleyan theology.

Membership in the EPA Chapter of the WCA helps the chapter to know who is a part of our connection and who it can count on to pursue our values and interests which mimic those of the National WCA.

Qualifications for Membership:

  • Must be in agreement with the National Values, Teachings, Theology and Governance.
  • We encourage all local chapter members to become members of the national WCA. Proof of National Membership is required to participate in votes sent to the National office. All local members have voice and vote at chapter meetings.
  • Must be in agreement with the local chapter of the WCA.
  • You do not need to be a member of a UMC church – but it is strongly encouraged that you at least attend or show interest in joining GMC congregations as they come to our area.

Please fill out the form and hit submit. Once the form has been submitted, please use the button to pay for the membership option you selected in the form.